#790945716. Helen Borodina translator and interpreter.

Helen Borodina
Female Sex
Translator Membership type
Russia Country
Local time: 20:34 (GMT+3)
Native languages: English

english, equestrian translator, interpreter, art translator, psychology translator, travelling interpreter, russian to english translator, poetry translator, localization

Contact information
Phone: +79266876098, Mobile phone: +491630483642 WhatsApp only
Registered on: 26 of January 2020 г.; Last update: 18 of February 2021 г.
Language pairs
  1. Russian » English
  2. English » Russian
  3. Danish » Russian
  4. Danish » English
  5. German » English
  6. German » Russian
  7. French » Russian
General information

I'm bilingual in Russian and English, with a roughly 20 years of professional experience as an educator, writer, translator, editor and journalist.

My interests include humanism, history, historical reenactment, horses and equestrian sports, fine arts and performing arts, travel, fine cuisine (vegetarian), human rights, animal wellfare, medieval culture and art, classical culuture and art - and the like. 

Coincidentally, these are also among my areas of expertise.

I work with medical, technical and legal translation/interpretation as well.


As a translator/interpreter/writer/editor, I am focused, motivated, responsible, enthusiastic, attentive to detail, creative (where required), result-oriented, dead-line oriented, follow instructions, reach objectives. Open to discussion, answer and ask questions to make sure the task is 100% clear and my client and myself are on the same page.