The Cases when Diploma Translation is required

Diploma Translation

Diploma Translation on a foreign language can be required for Foreign Embassy when moving abroad on full-time or temporary residence, registrations for work in the foreign firm for qualification confirmation, other cases provided by the legislation. In a reverse situation, the translation of external documentation into the native language will be required.

Notarial Diploma Translation

For competent and relevant translation it is necessary to specify at the customer what instance demands the translation. In most cases, the subsequent notarial assurance (checking and assuring the authenticity) of the translator’s signature is required. If the document contains an apostille, then it is essential to know whether its translation is necessary. At last, in some instances, the translation of the text of stamps on the document is required.

For the implementation of the translation according to notarization standards, it is necessary to observe formatting and structure precisely as on the original, eliminate mistakes and typos in proper names, names of institutions, names of disciplines, figures. The registration number of the diploma can't be translated into a foreign language because of the possibility of identification.

Translation of the diploma by the professional translator and the subsequent assurance at the notary is legally allowed. However, for this purpose, it is necessary to observe all formal requirements of the notarized translation: to specify a translation direction, to enter the text of the assuring inscription, to specify the translator’s data and to put down the signature by hand.

Apostilization, Diploma Apostille Translation

The apostille represents either separately issued page, or a stamp on the translation of the diploma, which confirms the authenticity and validity of the certified documentation. The apostille is an integral part of the diploma translation; it has the registration number and is formed according to state standards of the Hague Convention Participants.

Before the diploma translation, it is necessary to specify whether the procedure of apostilization is required and also whether the translation of the apostille into a foreign language is essential. In case of need, the translation of the text of the diploma and the text of the apostille should be carried out simultaneously; after that all documentation in general should be notarially certified. If the notarized translation has been already done, but apostilization is carried out after assurance, it is necessary to translate an apostille separately and to certify the translation again.

If the country, which requires the translation of the diploma, did not sign The Hague Convention, then the consular legalization of documentation (the more difficult process of apostilization) will be required. After the procedure of legalization, it is necessary to carry out the notarized translation similarly.

Requirements to the Translator

The translation of diplomas, applications and the related documentation has to be carried out only by certified specialists in the field of linguistics. The professional knowledge of the legislation and requirements of an education system in the countries, for which the translation is intended, is required. Mistakes and typos are inadmissible. Otherwise, the translation is considered illegal. The translation has to be guided by standards for professional translators ISO 17100 and European standard EN 15038.

The Advantages of the TranslatorsAuction Internet-platform

The website represents more than the translators exchange on a competitive basis. It provides the unique opportunity to conduct the ruled auction: preliminary testing, cross assessment by potential authors the works of the other applicants, ranging the results of the tests according to the points gained by "blind" assessment. The conditions allow the customer to choose the option, which is the most suitable for his requirements in compliance with the ratio suggested price – points of the general rating.

Detailed information about a possibility of the choice of the translator and the publication of the order you can read on pages «How to Choose the Translator» and «How to Place the Order».