Order #1162. Перевод текста по тематике горное дело

Order description
Необходимо выполнить перевод текста общим объемом около 30 нормостраниц (по 1600 знаков без учета пробелов). Текст с большим количеством картинок. Форматирование перевода должно повторять форматирование оригинала.

The administration of the TranslatorsAuction online platform reserves the right to block the profile page of any translator at any time in case he/she uses online translators when performing tests or in case of systematic unfair evaluation of the works of his/her colleagues.
Order information:
Language pair:
Russian => German
Service type:
Written translation
Mining industry
Order status:
Current order
Order placed:
09.01.2022 11:19
Deadline for order completion:
17.01.2022 10:00
Deadline for order to be paid:
18.01.2022 10:00
Order price:
Open. Currency RUB per 1800 characters
Payment method:
PayPal, Bank payment
Applications can be submitted by:
All translators
Information about test assignment:
Test size:
126 Words
Start access to test assignment:
09.01.2022 11:19
End of test translation:
10.01.2022 12:00
Time allotted for test translation:
Start test checking:
10.01.2022 12:00
End test checking and application submission:
11.01.2022 12:00
Time set for test assignment:
Performer selection no later than:
14.01.2022 12:00
Deadline for the test to be paid:
20.01.2022 10:00
Price for test assignment:
100 RUB
Payment method:
PayPal, Bank payment

Payment for the test is provided only to the translator selected by the customer.

About customer
On the site since9 of January 2022