Order #347. Перевод интерфейса сайта

Order description
Приблизительно 5 -6 страниц печатного текста.Направленность сайта - культурные контакты.Перевод должен осуществляться путём заполнения таблицы с соблюдением последовательности значков и символов.Дополнительно требуется прочитать 14 предложений и записать их на аудио файл.

The administration of the TranslatorsAuction online platform reserves the right to block the profile page of any translator at any time in case he/she uses online translators when performing tests or in case of systematic unfair evaluation of the works of his/her colleagues.
Order information:
Language pair:
Russian => Chinese
Service type:
Written translation
Computer, video games, including gambling
Order status:
Current order
Order placed:
14.11.2018 14:19
Deadline for order completion:
20.11.2018 09:00
Deadline for order to be paid:
30.11.2018 09:00
Order price:
Open. Currency RUB per word
Payment method:
Карта Visa.
Applications can be submitted by:
All translators
Information about test assignment:
Test size:
43 Words
Start access to test assignment:
14.11.2018 14:19
End of test translation:
17.11.2018 14:00
Time allotted for test translation:
Start test checking:
17.11.2018 14:00
End test checking and application submission:
17.11.2018 20:00
Time set for test assignment:
Performer selection no later than:
18.11.2018 20:00
Price for test assignment:
About customer
On the site since14 of November 2018